Cassidy Haigh

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Cassidy Haigh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice and Human Security; Chair, Criminal Justice and Human Security Graduate Program
College of Science & Society
Behavioral Science

Dr. Cassidy Haigh is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Human Security (CJHS) and Chair of the CJHS master’s degree program at the University of Bridgeport. She earned a Ph.D. in Criminology, Law and Society from the University of Florida. Her research and teaching interests include wrongful conviction, prosecution, eyewitness identification, and cognitive biases in the criminal legal system.

Ph.D. in Criminology, Law and Society, University of Florida
M.A. in Criminology, Law and Society, University of Florida
B.A. in Psychology, University of New Haven
B.S. in Criminal Justice, University of New Haven

Haigh, C. B., Perez, G., & Levett, L. M. (in press). Juvenile waiver. In Huebner, B. M. (Ed.),
Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. Oxford University Press.

Haigh, C. B., Perez, G., & Levett, L. M. (in press). Cross-race identification. In Race, Crime, and
Justice: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic.

Perez, G., Haigh, C. B., & Levett, L. M. (in press). Juries and race. In Race, Crime, and Justice: An
Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic.

Levett, L. M., Haigh, C. B., & Perez, G. (2021). Toward a broader framework of eyewitness
identification behavior. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 10(3), 341-345.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2021.06.006

Haigh, C. B., Kringen, A. K., & Kringen, J. A. (2020). Mental illness stigma: Limitations of Crisis
Intervention Team training. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 31(1), 42-57.
DOI: 10.1177/0887403418804871