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Dr. Christine Rowland completed her PA studies at State University of New York at Stony Brook, her Master's degree from Pace University, her Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) from University of Lynchburg, and holds a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Psychiatry through the NCCPA. She has experience in pain management, headache management, and internal medicine.
Dr. Rowland’s first love is psychiatry and mental health. She has many years of experience in adult, geriatric, inpatient, outpatient, consult, emergency, and addiction psychiatry. Currently Dr. Rowland practices at Recovery Network of Programs where she oversees the psychiatric care of individuals residing in substance use residential programs.
Dr. Rowland first became involved with the University of Bridgeport PAI as a preceptor for clinical year students during their psychiatry clerkships. She was repeatedly recognized for her love and enthusiasm for teaching students and was awarded Preceptor of the Year by the UBPAI Class of 2016. In her current role, she works closely with both didactic year and clinical year students. She also continues to practice clinically in psychiatry and addiction medicine.
Doctor of Medical Science: University of Lynchburg
Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Psychiatry: NCCPA
Masters in Physician Assistant Studies: Pace University
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences/Physician Assistant Studies: State University of New York at Stony Brook
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and in Art History: Fairfield University
Courses Taught
Clinical Medicine I – Psychiatry Module
Patient Education and Counseling
Rowland CA. Does Combining Methadone with Psychotropics Further Increase the Risk of QTc Prolongation? Considerations for EKG Monitoring.. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2024; 6(2).