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Ajay has been teaching at the University of Bridgeport since Spring 2016. His PhD research & dissertation focused on machine learning. He has about 20 years of industry experience in engineering and management. For more information, please go to
University of Bridgeport
1. PhD Computer Science and Engineering
2. MS Computer Science
3. BS Computer Engineering
Select First Author Research Publications on Machine Learning (Deep Learning)
1. Dissertation: Enhanced Deep Network Designs Using Mitochondrial DNA Based Genetic Algorithm and Importance Sampling, 2019
2. Conference: Optimizing Deep Neural Network Architecture with Enhanced Genetic Algorithm, 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA, 2019, Florida
3. Journal: Review of Deep Learning Algorithms and Architectures, in IEEE Access, 2019
4. Conference: Enhancing Siamese Networks Training with Importance Sampling, 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART, Prague, Czech Republic, 2019
5. Journal: Improving Genetic Algorithm with Fine-Tuned Crossover and Scaled Architecture, Journal of Mathematics, 2016